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Smoke free apartment

Ask your landlord about the smoking policy before you sign a lease!


Do you want a smoke-free home?  If just one neighbor smokes, secondhand smoke will enter your apartment and your home will no longer be smoke-free.  Avoid surprise.  Know the smoking policy before you sign a lease.

Looking for a smoke-free apartment?   Check out the local directory.

Landlords & Property Managers:


  • Want to be listed on our smoke-free apartment directory? Click here.

  • Looking for sample lease language, letters & enforcement tips? Click here.

  • Want FREE signs for your buildings and property? Contact us.

Smoke Free Apartment
Smoke Free Aparments
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Click here for the Smoke-Free Housing for New York website. 
ots of resources for both tenants and landlords!
Smoke free housing
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) now requires public housing developments in the U.S. to provide a smoke-free environment for their residents.  Click here to read an overview of the rule

When One Person Smokes, the Whole Building Smokes

  • There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke.

  • Secondhand tobacco smoke can never be isolated in one apartment or room.

  • Tobacco smoke travels under doors, through air ducts and windows, and into your apartment or hallway.

  • Air filters or air purifiers do not eliminate the dangers of secondhand smoke. Towels and door sweeps do not block secondhand smoke.

  • Secondhand smoke is especially harmful to your children's health.

  • Secondhand smoke is harmful to you, your family, and your pets

  • Secondhand smoke can cause a heart attack or stroke, and is an asthma trigger.

smok free housing

What about thirdhand smoke?

  • THIRDHAND SMOKE is the residue that sticks to clothing and furniture.

  • Thirdhand smoke contains 250 chemicals and has similar effects to LEAD POISONING

  • It is highly toxic to children & triggers asthma

secondhand smoke
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